Just wanted to take some time to tell you how we are “Using ivolunteer.com.”

 We are a Catholic parish of more than 4500 families.

We use ivolunteer.com for signing-up volunteers for our faith formation programs, outreach programs and fundraising events.

Specifically, the program is used for all of the following to sign up: faith teachers, aides for faith programs, parents bringing food items, donations for the “dessert table” at the annual Fish Fry events, sharing the care of the Preschool playground, and offers to help with a variety of tasks for ministries that reach out to those in need. Hundreds of our parishioners use the program for the volunteerism we mentioned above.

ivolunteer.com is also used for our most complicated volunteer situation … that of our parish Festival, which is one of the largest in Southwest Ohio. With more than 50 booths that have multiple shifts over three days, it makes for a challenge offering parishioners the chance to choose the booth, the date, the shift and in some cases the task. There are thousands of individual shifts being offered and for the past three years, we have been able to manage the volunteerism efficiently because of ivolunteer.com. 


 Laureen Catlin

Parish Office Support

St. Susanna Parish