Many events are scheduled around the holidays…and involve serving alcohol…and volunteers.
Signing up the right volunteers for serving alcohol can be a sticky but integral part of event planning. One requirement is ensuring your volunteers are of age to serve alcohol. Age is not the only requirement. The maturity of the server is also key in the success of the event and will ensure the ABC Board will allow you to have another event.
Communicating with potential volunteers about the criteria in advance will save you from having to replace them later. The sign up should clearly state their roles and responsibilities during the event. They must check id’s but also be comfortable in discontinuing alcohol consumption to individuals that may have had enough. They will be the “police” of the evening.
Are we allowed to drink after our shift? Many times as a thank you for volunteering, organizations will allow volunteers to enjoy the event when they are not working their shift. At sign up, please be clear with volunteers if drinking will be allowed by volunteers after their shift and certainly no drinking before. software allows the volunteer coordinator to add in descriptions and requirements on the online sign up page. This feature saves everyone involved time by explaining duties and expectations in advance. If they do not sign up for this particular event, it is probably for the best.