The Emails tab under Event SettingsĀ lets you define the subject and body of all of the email types. The Body field is edited using the Rich Text Editor. Variables or tokens can be used in the subject and body. See below for variables that are available for all emails. Additional variables are listed per email type. You can find descriptions of all variables at the end of this document.
- Confirmation Notification Email: Sent to the Event Administrators and/or the Event Contact (as configured in Notification Options) when a participant has confirmed a slot.
- Cancellation Notification Email: sent to the Event Administrators and/or the Event Contact (as configured in Notification Options) when a participant has canceled a slot.
- Confirmation Email to Participant: Sent to the participant when the participant has not confirmed and needs to confirm a slot(s) that they are volunteering for.
Note: This email is not sent to participants who have already confirmed and have auto confirm on. Use the Confirmation Notification email (see above) if you need to use the email as a receipt. This email type also includes an extra variable:
[PARTICIPANT_URL] : System generated url for the participant to confirm slots. - Confirmation Notification Email to Participant: Sent to the participant after they have confirmed a slot that they are volunteering for. By default the participant can elect to receive this email at the time of confirmation but you can check to always send this notification.
Note: If you need volunteers to have a printed confirmation or if you have important information that they must have at the time that they confirm, this is the email to use. - Cancellation Notification Email to Participant: Optionally sent to the participant after they have canceled a slot. The participant can elect to receive this email at the time of cancellation.
- Reminder Email to Participants: Sent to the participant when you send reminders.
The “Future Days To Include with Reminder” setting allows you to specify how many days in the future to include in the reminders [SLOT_LIST] or [SLOT_LIST_WITH_TASK_DETAILS] variables. E.g. “4 Days” will include reminders for the next 4 calendar days from the target date. This helps ensure that volunteers are not bombarded with email that some might consider to be “SPAM”. - Thank You Email to Participants: Sent to the participant when you send thank you emails.
Note: The “Future Days To Include with Reminder” setting in reminders also applies to the Thank You email, although [SLOT_LIST] and [SLOT_LIST_WITH_TASK_DETAILS] are not used in the Thank You email by default. - Preempted Email to Participant: Sent to the participant when someone else has taken a slot that they were signed up for.