Check Your Settings #
After you create your online signup Event, you can optionally fine-tune it using sub-tabs of Event Details & Actions and Event Settings. Here are some questions to consider.
Are all your dates and times correct? # tracks and reports on signups through special date and time fields. Check all your dates on the Event Details & Actions > Info tab before you activate your Event:
- Event Start and End Dates: Make sure your start and end dates are broad enough to include all your Tasks.
- Signup Start and End Dates: Make sure you’ve allowed enough time for your participants to sign up.
- Task and Slot Dates: If your Tasks and Slots are date-and-time specific, make sure that the dates and times are in the provided date and time fields instead of in text fields. By using the available fields, you allow ivolunteer to report accurately on signups.
Click here to watch a video about dates and times in
Have you checked your display options? #
Under Event Settings > Display, check the box to optimize your signup sheet on mobile devices. This box is checked by default, but if you have copied an old Event, it may be unchecked.
Also review this tab to check if or how you display a participant’s name to the public.
Click here to learn more about Event settings.
Have you checked your layout? #
Under Event Details & Actions > Layout, check Hide Past Tasks to ensure that your past Tasks don’t clutter up your signup sheet. Note that signups are hidden on the Task level rather than Slot level.
Do you need to collect more information from your volunteers?
If you need to collect a phone number, age, or any other information, you can add custom prompts under Event Details & Actions > Prompts. Keep in mind that is not designed to collect or store sensitive health or financial information.
Activate Your Event #
Newly created events are inactive by default. Once you are ready for participants to start signing up, press the Activate button. NOTE: You can still make changes to an active event.
Spread the Word #
After the event is Active, you’ll want to direct participants to your signup sheet. Here are a few ways to do that:
- Send potential participants the Event Address link, e.g.:
- Publish the link and/or QR Code. (Hint: After the event has been created, click on the QR code to copy a larger version of it.)
- PREMIUM subscribers, send email invitations to participants already in your Database under Event Details & Actions > Send Email.
Review our Training Videos and Administrative Guide for more information about dates, settings, and prompts.