The Participants tab lets you view and manage the participants in your database. Click the More… button to see additional options.
- Add Button: Allows you to manually add a volunteer/participant to your database.
- Remove Selected Button: Remove all selected volunteers/participants from your database.
- Refresh Button: Get the latest entries in your database. As new volunteers confirm, they are added to your database. Refreshing the database will show any new volunteers / participants that have been added since you last refreshed.
- Export Button: Run a simple report from your database.
- Participants List: Allows you to view all of the participants/volunteers in your database. Clicking on a column header changes the way participants are sorted. By default the list is sorted by Last Name. The Participant List allows you to view 30 participants at a time. Use the page buttons at the bottom left of the Participants List to page through your volunteers. The More button allows you to view and edit a volunteer’s information.