We know one of the benefits of ivolunteer.com is email verification of users without a formal username/password. Is it possible to have volunteers create a login with contact information?

When a volunteer signs up for the first time (or the Administrator signs up a volunteer on their behalf) the confirmation email contains a unique link through which that volunteer can access his or her volunteer commitments (and cancel a commitment if you allow self-cancellation).  Whenever a volunteer signs up or receives a reminder, that…

Is there a way to set up a PayPal button on the volunteer signup forms so that they can donate money at the same time?

You can add a link to your PayPal account either in the instructions for your organization’s home page, instructions on an event signup page, or as a custom prompt in the volunteer signup screen.  However, ivolunteer.com does not currently tightly integrate with PayPal in such a way to guarantee that a payment is made as…

Can an Administrator make changes to an event after volunteers have started signing up?

Yes, if you add or move rows or columns then volunteers will shift appropriately to remain under the headings they signed up for.  Be careful changing headers of rows or columns because volunteers will expect to have signed up under those headings. You cannot remove a row or column if there are volunteers signed up…

Why is ivolunteer.com not requiring volunteers to confirm their commitment when NOT in Kiosk Mode?

After an email address has volunteered and confirmed once for an Organization, any subsequent sign-ups from that email address from the same browser will be auto-confirmed.  That “Confirmation Required Once” behavior is the default Confirmation Mode.  If you prefer for volunteers (outside of Kiosk Mode) to always receive the confirmation email that they must confirm,…