How do I cancel my subscription?

By default, accounts are set to manual renewal and will expire at the end of the subscription term. You will not be charged anything further unless you choose to renew.

New customers can start with a free trial to evaluate ivolunteer and may cancel a paid subscription within 30 days after purchase for a pro-rated refund. (Click to read our full Terms of Service.) None of the subscription fee is refundable after 30 days. Contact us to request a refund.

79ware LLC may delete your data 30 days after your subscription expires. However, unless you request otherwise, we may save your data up to twelve months after your subscription expires so that you may later reactivate it without losing your data. Data retention allows for seasonal use of — for example, for an annual event. If you would like to ensure that your data is retained for up to one year, please contact us.