Changing How Names Are Displayed

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In this video, we’ll show you how to change how names are displayed on the signup sheet.

To get started, we’ll return to our organization’s Annual Charity Basketball Game by clicking Events and then making our selection from the “Events” list.

By clicking on the “Preview” tab, and then selecting Volunteer in the “View as” field, we can see how our current signup sheet will look to potential volunteers.

As you can see, a volunteer named Clancy has already signed up. However, we want to show only that the slot is taken to those viewing the signup sheet. For confirmed participants, we want them to see Clancy’s full name.

To make this change we’ll click the “Event Settings” tab. If not already selected, click on the “Display” tab.

The fields within the Slot section allow us to change how the slot will appear on the signup sheet, and in the “Manage” and “Preview” tabs in the administrator application.

In the “Slot Taken Display Format” field shown to everyone, we’ll select “Other” and use the default word “Taken.” We also prefer the term “Open” for slots needed, so we’ll make that change as well.

In the “Slot Taken Display Format” field shown to confirmed participants, we’ll select “Full Name.” We’ll again change the “Slot Needed Display Format.”

To save our changes, we’ll click “Save” and then return to the “Preview” tab.

As you can see, the signup sheet now uses the term “Open” for slots yet to be filled. Also, volunteers see only that the slot is taken, while confirmed volunteers see Clancy’s full name.

If we wanted these same settings applied to any new events we create, we would make the same changes within the Organization menu. To do so, click on the “Default Settings” tab and make the above changes within the “Display” tab.

We hope you enjoyed this video and found it helpful. If you have additional questions, please contact us or visit our Support Page.