Managing and Adding Administrators

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Hi, this is Jenny with’s Support Team. I am going to show you how to manage your Administrators.

First, navigate to the Organization menu. Then click on the Administrators tab. From here you can add and remove administrators and edit their information and permissions.  Depending on your subscription level, you can have as many administrators as you need for your Organization and Events.

Administrators are assigned roles that determine which features they can access in the Organization and Events. The four roles administrators can be assigned are Organization, Event Design, Event Reporting, and Event Manage.

  • Organization Administrators can do everything that the Primary Administrator can do, except for updating the information on the Organization Details tab.
  • Event Design Administrators can manage Events, view reports, create new Events, modify the design of assigned Events, and assign other event administrators to those Events.
  • Event Reporting Administrators can access Manage, Preview, Email, Reports, Sign-in (if Track Attendance is on) and Activity Log tabs for assigned Events.
  • Event Manage Administrators can access only Manage, Preview and Sign-in tabs for assigned Events.

To add a new administrator, click on the Add Administrator button. Then fill in the administrator’s name and confirm their email.  By default, the box is checked to generate a new temporary password and to send a welcome email. You can uncheck this box to choose a password for your administrator and to omit the welcome email.  Remember, all passwords must be at least 6 characters long with at least one letter and one number or special character.

You can choose the role of your administrator from the Role dropdown. Event Design, Event Reporting, and Event Manage level administrators can be assigned to the Events listed on the Assigned Events tab. To list past Events, select “Show Current & Recent Events” or “Show All Events” from the dropdown filter. The Assigned Groups tab allows you to assign the administrator to individual database groups or to all participants and groups.

When you are finished filling in all of the information for your new administrator, click the Save button. You have now added a new administrator.

To edit the information for any of your administrators, click the Edit button here.  To remove an administrator, click the Remove button here.

Thank you for watching and for using, the best way to sign up your volunteers online!

If you have additional questions, please contact us or check our Administration Help Guide in the Support section of our website.